It protects cells from reactive oxygen species damage. The product lessen undesirable skin pigmentation, level out the skin’s tone, and enhance the complexion overall. It also strengthens the immune system of the body.
This Injection is vital to crucial physiological activities including the neutralization of free radicals, detoxifying the body, and breaking down proteins in cells. Multiple factors have shown their contribution to its anti-pigmentation effects. It eliminates harmful substance from your liver, restores the harmony of every organ’s functionality, boosts your immunity, and makes you healthy and radiant.
Hydration of deep skin at all layers
Improvement of skin tone and structure
The product has a prolonged effect.
It treats the whole body.
No hypersensitivity
Fewer chances of side effects
Diminishes skin imperfections.
Unwanted skin pigmentation
Treatment of dull and dehydrated skin
Correction of early signs of aging
Prevention of wide pores on the face
Enhance the skin whitening
Pregnant and Breast-feeding women
Below 16 years of Age
Those who are allergic to any kind of vitamins
10 vials × 1200 mg per pack10 vials × 1200 mg per pack
Preserve in room temperature (1~30℃)
300 to 600 mg once daily (IV/IM infusion), for severe cases.